Karmod completes quick-install service cabins for flight school in Adana, Türkiye

Karmod completes quick-install service cabins for flight school in Adana, Türkiye

Project, which took only 11 days including production and installation, includes service office, canteen building, toilet and shower units for staff

ISTANBUL (AA) – Turkish company Karmod announced that it completed the installation of polyester cabin service buildings specially designed for Atilim University's Flight School at an airport in Adana, southern Türkiye.

The facilities, including five structures and covering a total area of 200 square meters (about 2,150 square feet), were designed to support academics and students engaged in flight training.

Karmod Cabin CEO Zekai Kucuk touted the project's speed and efficiency on Monday, noting that the process took only 11 days, including production and installation.

Kucuk stressed that the polyester cabins, produced using CTP technology, offer quick and practical solutions for emergency structures.

"Our cabins are not only durable and safe but also thermally insulated, allowing for energy-efficient climate control," said Kucuk.

"We offer various cabin models up to 50 square meters (540 sq ft), which are particularly popular for service offices, canteens, and dormitories," he added.

He said the project included the construction of three different sizes of structures, with the new additions including a service office, canteen building, and toilet and shower units for staff.​​​​​​​

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