Lebanese, Iranian parliament speakers discuss developments in Lebanon

Lebanese, Iranian parliament speakers discuss developments in Lebanon

Lebanon's Berri received phone call from Iran's Ghalibaf amid ongoing Tel Aviv-Beirut cease-fire, says Lebanon’s news agency

By Wassim Seifeddine

BEIRUT (AA) - The Lebanese Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri and his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf discussed the developments in Lebanon on Saturday, following Wednesday's cease-fire between Israel and Lebanon.

Lebanon’s National News Agency reported that "Berri received a phone call from Ghalibaf, during which they discussed the current developments in Lebanon and the region," without providing further details.

The ongoing Israel-Lebanon cease-fire began Wednesday, ending over 14 months of fighting between the Israeli army and the Lebanese group Hezbollah.

Under the cease-fire terms, Israel is to withdraw its forces south of the Blue Line, the de facto border, in a phased manner, while the Lebanese army is tasked with deploying its forces in southern Lebanon within 60 days.

The conflict has taken a heavy toll, with more than 3,960 people killed, over 16,500 injured, and more than 1 million displaced in Israeli attacks on Lebanon since October last year, according to Lebanese health authorities.

* Writing by Rania Abu Shamala

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