Lebanese president urges French counterpart to ensure Israeli withdrawal within agreed timeline

Lebanese president urges French counterpart to ensure Israeli withdrawal within agreed timeline

In meeting with French President Macron, Lebanon's Joseph Aoun emphasizes need for Israel's withdrawal, reconstruction of war-torn southern villages

By Yusuf Alioglu

ISTANBUL (AA) - Lebanese President Joseph Aoun has underscored the urgency of Israel's withdrawal from southern Lebanon within the deadline set by a cease-fire agreement.

His remarks came during a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron at the presidential palace in Baabda, east of Beirut, on Friday, according to Lebanon's state-run news agency.

Aoun highlighted the importance of solidifying the cease-fire, which began on Nov. 27, 2024, and ensuring Israel's withdrawal from the remaining occupied territories within the 60-day timeframe.

He also called for the release of Lebanese prisoners held by Israel and for the reconstruction of villages devastated by the recent Israeli aggression.

Under the ceasefire terms, Israel is required to withdraw its forces south of the Blue Line – a de facto border – in phases, while the Lebanese army is to deploy in southern Lebanon within 60 days.

Data from the Lebanese Health Ministry indicates that since Israel’s onslaught against Lebanon began on Oct. 8, 2023, at least 4,068 people have been killed, including women, children, and health workers, while 16,670 others have been injured.

Lebanese authorities have reported, however, more than 564 Israeli violations of the ceasefire, including the death of 37 people and injury of 45 others.

During his talks with Macron, Aoun also urged French energy company Total to resume oil exploration activities in Lebanese offshore blocks.

Additionally, the Lebanese president expressed interest in attending an EU summit scheduled for March 2025 in response to an invitation from the leader of the Greek Cypriot Administration Nikos Christodoulides, who visited Beirut on Jan. 10.

Aoun thanked Macron for France's efforts to assist Lebanon, including the work of special envoy Jean-Yves Le Drian and the Quintet Committee, in resolving the prolonged presidential vacancy and facilitating his election after more than two years of political deadlock.

The Lebanese parliament elected Aoun as president on Jan. 9 Four days later, he appointed judge Nawaf Salam to form a new government.

Macron’s visit marks the first of head of a state to Lebanon since Aoun’s election. The French president held separate meetings with Acting Prime Minister Najib Mikati, Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, and Prime Minister-designate Nawaf Salam.

The French presidency stated the visit aims to support Lebanon’s sovereignty, prosperity, and unity.

France plays a key role in the Quintet Committee, which oversees the ceasefire implementation involving the US, Lebanon, Israel, and the UN peacekeeping force (UNIFIL).

France also maintains significant historical ties to Lebanon, rooted in its mandate over the country from 1920 to 1943.

*Writing by Mohammad Sio​​​​​​​

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