Lebanon’s new president invited to visit Qatar

Lebanon’s new president invited to visit Qatar

- Qatar’s emir extends official invitation to Lebanese President Joseph Aoun

By Yusuf Alioglu

ISTANBUL (AA) – Lebanon’s new President Joseph Aoun received an official invitation from Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani on Thursday to visit the Gulf country.

The invitation was delivered by Qatari Ambassador Saoud bin Abdulrahman Al Thani during a meeting with the new president, the Lebanese state news agency NNA reported.

The invitation signals Qatar’s intent to enhance relations with Lebanon under its new leadership.

Aoun was elected president on Jan.9 after over two years of presidential vacancy caused by political disputes.

His election follows a devastating Israeli military campaign last fall which left Lebanon grappling with worsening political divisions and economic hardships.

*Writing by Mohammad Sio in Istanbul

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