Moldova, Romania strike electricity supply deal

Moldova, Romania strike electricity supply deal

OMV Petrom to supply 30 megawatts of electricity to Moldova until Jan. 31, says Energocom

By Emre Gurkan Abay

MOSCOW (AA) - Moldova’s state energy company Energocom on Thursday announced an energy supply agreement with Romania's OMV Petrom, aimed at bolstering Moldova's energy security and ensuring a more reliable supply.

Under the agreement, OMV Petrom will supply Moldova with 30 megawatts of electricity until Jan. 31, Energocom said in a statement.

On Jan. 1, Russian energy giant Gazprom suspended natural gas deliveries to the region after the contract for shipments via Ukraine ended and Moldova failed to pay its debt of about $709 million.

While Moldova's government has transitioned to coal for power generation, the "Transnistria" region – an area within Moldova's borders that has unilaterally declared independence – is facing a natural gas crisis.

*Writing by Handan Kazanci

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