Muslim advocacy group wins landmark hate speech case against X in Australia

Muslim advocacy group wins landmark hate speech case against X in Australia

Court rules hate speech laws in Australia apply to social media companies

By Yasin Gungor

ISTANBUL (AA) - A Muslim advocacy group won a landmark case against X in a hate speech lawsuit, the group reported Friday on Facebook.

An Australian court ruled earlier this week that it has jurisdiction over X and it could make orders against it concerning the group's complaint. It indicated that Australian hate speech laws apply to social media companies.

The Australian Muslim Advocacy Network (AMAN) accused X of violating the Anti-Discrimination Act by allowing anti-Muslim content on its platforms. AMAN argued the content incited hatred against Muslims in Queensland.

X's legal team argued it was a foreign entity and it is a company, not a person, therefore not subject to the tribunal's jurisdiction, per media reports. However, the Tribunal affirmed its jurisdiction, noting the local effect of X’s activities and revenue from advertising aimed at Queensland users.

A spokesperson for AMAN praised the decision, highlighting its positive effect on communities affected by hate speech.

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