Myanmar confirms 3rd death from coronavirus

Myanmar confirms 3rd death from coronavirus

2 more deaths reported, while country has confirmed total of 22 cases of COVID-19 pandemic

By Kyaw Ye Lynn

YANGON, Myanmar (AA) - Two more people have died in Myanmar after contracting coronavirus, bringing the total to three, health authorities of the southeast Asian nation said on Wednesday.

A 63-year old woman died of cardiogenic shock with sepsis, severe pneumonia, and cytokines storms associated with covid-19 infection, along with a 47-year old man who died of respiratory failure with septicemia due to the virus, Myanmar’s Health and Sports Ministry confirmed.

The country reported its first death from the virus on March 31.

As of Wednesday, a total of 22 cases of coronavirus have been confirmed by the ministry.

Since the virus emerged last December in the Chinese city of Wuhan, it has spread to at least 184 countries and regions.

There are more than 1.4 million confirmed infections worldwide and more than 82,100 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins. More than 301,000 have recovered.

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