Nearly 40 arrested during Los Angeles wildfires

Nearly 40 arrested during Los Angeles wildfires

Firefighters are relentlessly working to contain several fires in Southern California, now in 8th day

By Servet Gunerigok

WASHINGTON (AA) - Nearly 40 people were arrested in the Los Angeles County neighborhoods impacted by ongoing wildfires, the sheriff said Tuesday.

"We are up to 39. That’s 33 in the Eaton Fire area and six in the Palisades area," said County Sheriff Robert Luna during a press briefing of the arrests made.

He said that there are currently nine curfew arrests and two for drone incidences and 11 were for burglary in the Eaton area, while in Palisades area, six were arrested, three of whom was for curfew and three for burglary.

Luna recalled that curfew in areas under evacuation orders remain in effect from 6 pm to 6 am local time.

"We’re not just looking for burglars and looters committing crimes on the street. But we’re also focused on anybody who’s involved in any kind of scam," he added.

About 88,000 residents are under evacuation orders in Los Angeles County, while more than 84,000 others are under evacuation warnings, according to the sheriff.

Luna also said his department also working 24 missing person cases.

“Eighteen in the Eaton area, six in the Malibu area," said Luna, adding that all those missing are adults.

Meanwhile, authorities warned residents in the area of the Palisades Fire to get prepared now to evacuate, as strong winds are expected over the next 24 hours and could cause new, and extreme fire behavior.

Firefighters are relentlessly working to contain several fires in Southern California, now in 8th day.

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