NGO files complaint with ICC against Israeli rabbi soldier for public confessions of war crimes

NGO files complaint with ICC against Israeli rabbi soldier for public confessions of war crimes

Hind Rajab Foundation accuses Rabbi Avraham Zarbiv of serious war crimes, crimes against humanity

By Esra Tekin

ISTANBUL (AA) - The Brussels-based Hind Rajab Foundation filed a complaint Thursday with the International Criminal Court against an Israeli rabbi soldier for his actions during Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip.

Rabbi Avraham Zarbiv, a member of the Givati Brigade, is accused of serious war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during attacks in Gaza, which commenced in October 2023.

The complaint is based on his criminal responsibility under the Rome Statute, the NGO said in a statement.

It urged the Court to arrest Zarbiv “without delay,” stating his actions cannot go “unchallenged.”

-Criminal acts, evidence

Zarbiv's alleged crimes are substantiated by his public confessions and video evidence.

He appeared in a televised interview on Wednesday where he admitted to his role in destroying 50 buildings weekly in Gaza, including private homes, schools, hospitals and aid facilities, leading to the destruction of neighborhoods such as Jabalia, Rafah and other towns. He also said he incited violence and hatred, endorsing the killing of Palestinian civilians and advocating the destruction of their communities.

Zarbiv bragged about operating a D9 bulldozer, detailing how he deliberately demolished homes and obliterated Gaza's infrastructure.

He also confirmed the Givati Brigade's systematic targeting of civilian areas, rendering entire towns uninhabitable.

Further evidence includes video footage from Feb. 7, 2024, showing Zarbiv and his unit throwing hand grenades and firing on unarmed Palestinian civilians in Khan Younis.

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