OECD area annual inflation ticks up to 4.5% in November 2024

OECD area annual inflation ticks up to 4.5% in November 2024

Core inflation, stripping out food and energy, slows to 4.9% in November, data shows

By Tuba Ongun

Annual consumer inflation in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) area came in at 4.54% in November, according to data released on Thursday.

The figure was slightly up from 4.45% in October, according to data from the Paris-based organization.

The year-on-year hike in consumer prices accelerated in 14 of the 38 OECD countries compared to the previous month, with notable increases in Slovenia and Lithuania. On the other hand, it declined in 11 OECD countries and remained stable or broadly stable in 13 others.

"Headline inflation remained highest in Türkiye, at 47.1% in November, despite a decline of 1.5 percentage points compared to October, while it stood below 1% in Switzerland and Luxembourg and was closer to 0% in Costa Rica," an OECD report said.

Food inflation in the OECD rose for the second consecutive month, reaching 4.3% in November, up from 3.9% in October.

The cost of energy increased by 1.2% year-on-year in November, switching from a 0.5% decline in the previous month.

"The increase in OECD food and energy inflation was offset somewhat by a marginal decline in OECD core inflation (inflation less food and energy), which fell to 4.9% in November from 5.0% in October," according to the report.

Annual inflation in the G7 area accelerated to 2.6% in November, up from 2.3% in October, with increases recorded in Japan, Italy, the UK, and Germany.

"Core inflation remained the main contributor to headline inflation in all G7 countries except Japan, where the combined contribution of food and energy inflation exceeded that of core inflation," the report said.

In the G20, annual inflation slowed to 5.7% in November from 6% in October, reaching its lowest level since June 2023.

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