OSCE chair says organization plays 'key role' in holding Russia accountable

OSCE chair says organization plays 'key role' in holding Russia accountable

'When a state challenges our joint principles, we must rise to event. This is our first priority,' says Elina Valtonen

By Beyza Binnur Donmez

GENEVA (AA) - The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) chair on Thursday said it plays a "key role" in holding Russia accountable for its "violations" in the Ukraine war.

"Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine has undermined the European security order. It has violated international law, the UN Charter and the principles of the Helsinki Final Act," chairperson-in-Office Elina Valtonen, who is also Finland's foreign minister, told an inaugural press conference in Vienna.

"The OSCE, plays a key role in in holding Russia accountable for these violations," Valtonen said, adding that over the past days "we have once again witnessed relentless Russian strikes leading to civilian casualties and targeting Ukraine's energy infrastructure."

She urged Russia to stop its attacks immediately.

"When a state challenges our joint principles, we must rise to the event. This is our first priority," Valtonen said.

Besides, she said it is important to support Ukraine's territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence.

Asked about Russia's detention of three OSCE officials, she said the organization is "doing everything possible" to support their release, using both "public avenues and silent diplomacy."

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