Pakistani artist composes song for ties among Turkey, Azerbaijan, Pakistan

Pakistani artist composes song for ties among Turkey, Azerbaijan, Pakistan

Noman Shah Bukhari, nasheed artist, makes music video to promote strong relations, cultural ties among countries

By Dilara Hamit

ANKARA (AA) - A Pakistani nasheed artist has composed a song and made a music video to draw attention to strong relations and cultural ties among Turkey, Pakistan, and Azerbaijan.

Noman Shah Bukhari shared his song, "Saltanat e Usmania," in the Turkish and Urdu languages on YouTube following his first music video where he performed the theme song of Resurrection: Ertugrul, a popular Turkish TV series.

Bukhari told Anadolu Agency in an interview that after getting over a million likes for his first video, he composed a song to promote strong relations and cultural ties between Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Pakistan.

He stressed that Turkey and Pakistan, since the beginning, had very strong relations and the two countries were the first to recognize Azerbaijan’s independence.

"Therefore, after Azerbaijan's independence, these three countries now have very strong ties.

"It took about two weeks for me and my team to come up with the song and the video. The concept was not so much difficult to come up with since we have a huge love for these countries," he said.

"Honestly, the costumes were very difficult to make. Before 'Saltanat e Usmania,' I had made a video for the theme song of Resurrection: Ertugrul, as it was very famous in Pakistan and the costumes in the series were my main inspiration. I bought all the materials from Pakistan and brought them together. It was not an easy process. I tried my best. I made the flags, the costumes, and brought together the environment," Bukhari added.

Bukhari stressed that he wants to make more music videos serving similar causes.

"My aim while making this video was only to meet Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and nothing else. I also had dreams of the moment I would meet him. He is the popular leader of all Muslims. We have some hopes from him, and I want to play my part in this noble cause which the Turkish president is doing," he said.

The video, filmed in the Pakistani city of Karachi, also presents the images of the Turkish president and Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, along with sections from popular historical Turkish dramas.

Bukhari said that in 2018 he had traveled to Turkey, where his Turkish friends helped him sing in Turkish.

"Since it was difficult for me, my Turkish friend helped me with pronouncing the language and singing it.

"I also traveled to the historical places in Istanbul. As I am in the UK right now, after Ramadan I have plans to come to Turkey for a few days to travel to the historical places and see where the Turkish dramas were shot," he said.

Bukhari also wished that Turkey's TV channels also played his music video so that Turkish people can also see it and give him feedback.

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