Pakistan's top diplomat reaches China for strategic dialogue

Pakistan's top diplomat reaches China for strategic dialogue

Ishaq Dar to also hold meetings with Chinese leaders, top officials during 4-day visit, says Pakistani Foreign Ministry

By Alperen Aktas

ISTANBUL (AA) - Pakistan's Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mohammad Ishaq Dar on Monday arrived in Beijing to co-chair the fifth Pakistan-China Foreign Ministers' Strategic Dialogue with his counterpart Wang Yi.

The Pakistani minister will also hold meetings with Chinese leaders and top officials, the country's Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The ministry said Dar is on a four-day trip to China, until May 16.

Islamabad and Beijing would comprehensively review bilateral affairs, including economic and trade cooperation; high-level exchanges and visits; upgradation of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and future connectivity initiatives, said the ministry.

Dar and Wang Yi would also exchange views on the “unfolding regional geopolitical landscape and bilateral cooperation at the multilateral fora.”

The visit to Beijing is Dar’s first since the Pakistan Muslim League (N) formed the government after the Feb. 8 general elections.

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