Plagued by gang wars, Haiti's capital resembles war zone

Plagued by gang wars, Haiti's capital resembles war zone

Grappling with longstanding political, economic, and security crises, Haiti’s population of 11M faces looming famine

By Guerinault Louis

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AA) - The Haitian capital Port-au-Prince resembles a war zone as spiraling gang violence and a power vacuum have left citizens in dire straits.

Haiti had already been reeling under political, economic, and security-related issues for years. Now, the violence perpetrated by heavily armed gangs has pushed North America’s poorest country to the brink of an economic collapse.

Its population of more than 11 million is further in danger of famine.

More than 2,500 people died between January and March, while over 95,000 others have been forced to flee their homes since gang violence broke out in the capital in March.

Haiti's presidential council faces the challenging task of restoring national security before it can carry out a constitutional reform, leading to general elections and likely economic recovery.

*Writing by Merve Berker

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