Poland’s birth rate hits record low as demographic crisis deepens

Poland’s birth rate hits record low as demographic crisis deepens

November 2025 saw only 18,500 births, lowest monthly rate since World War II

By Ahmet Gencturk

ATHENS (AA) – Poland birth date hit record low as the country’s demographic crisis deepens, according to the local media.

Citing the National Statistic Authority (PUS), the daily Puls Biznesu announced on Tuesday that there were only some 18,500 births in November 2024.

That was the lowest monthly rate since at least the World War II, it underlined.

The daily explained that the gradual drop in the number of births, along a stable number of deaths, is causing to a natural decrease in population.

The fall in the population could prompt wider societal issues, including fewer people being economically active and the health system and retirement programs becoming overwhelmed., according to the daily.

Against this background, it suggested two possible resolutions: “The first would be to increase immigration. The second would be larger investments in capital, which could gradually replace labor.”

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