President-elect Trump protested before taking office

President-elect Trump protested before taking office

- People's March brings together demonstrators from across US

​​​​​​​By Esra Tekin

ISTANBUL (AA) - Thousands of protesters gathered Saturday in Washington DC to protest incoming President Donald Trump, who was set to take office Monday.

Their main demand was for the protection of abortion rights, according to NBC News.

Despite the cold weather, protesters expressed their opposition to Trump.

The People's March brought together demonstrators from across the US.

It was similar to the Women's March that took place eight years ago, one day after Trump began his first term, when thousands gathered in the city to protest his presidency on Jan. 21, 2017.

Protesters criticized Trump’s policies, particularly on women’s rights and abortion, and held signs demanding the protection of abortion rights.

The demonstration started at the Lincoln Memorial and saw thousands march toward the area near the White House, voicing demands for rights related to abortion, women, LGBTQ+ and immigrants.

Protesters frequently chanted slogans against Trump, carrying banners that urged the implementation of more liberal policies, especially on abortion rights.

Kaynak:Source of News

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