Pro-Palestinian European Parliament member blasts Paris university for canceling her scheduled conference

Pro-Palestinian European Parliament member blasts Paris university for canceling her scheduled conference

Rima Hassan denounces decision as attempt to silence voices condemning genocide in Gaza

By Necva Tastan Sevinc

ISTANBUL (AA) – Rima Hassan, a Palestinian-origin member of the European Parliament from France's left-wing La France Insoumise (LFI) party, has condemned the administration of Sciences Po University in Paris for canceling her scheduled conference for Friday, calling the decision "unacceptable."

Hassan said on Wednesday in a statement on X that the event, scheduled for Nov. 22, was blocked by the university, claiming that it could "disrupt public order."

She denounced the decision as an attempt to silence voices condemning genocide in Gaza, calling it "unacceptable."

This is not the first cancellation Hassan has faced. Since Israel’s onslaught on Gaza began, several of her planned conferences at French universities have been called off.

Hassan, known for her pro-Palestinian advocacy, was also summoned by French police over accusations of "terror propaganda."

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