Putin says Ukraine war will end in month or two if West cuts support for Kyiv

Putin says Ukraine war will end in month or two if West cuts support for Kyiv

Russian president also questions legitimacy of Ukrainian counterpart Zelenskyy, whose term was to end in May 2024

By Burc Eruygur

ISTANBUL (AA) - Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday said the Ukraine war will end in a month or two if Kyiv runs out of ammunition, pointing out to Western military aid that he claims has prolonged the conflict.

“They will not last a month if the money and, in a broad sense, the bullets stop. That's it! It will all end in a month or a month and a half, two,” Putin said in an interview with journalist Pavel Zarubin during a visit to the Samara region.

He said his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelenskyy is "illegitimate," whose term in office was supposed to end in May 2024, but no presidential election has since been held. Ukrainian authorities say wartime conditions do not allow for a vote to take place.

Speaking of negotiations to end the nearly three-year war, Putin reminded that Zelenskyy signed a decree in 2022 on banning talks with Russia, arguing talks without repealing the decree would be “illegitimate.”

“But in principle, by and large, if they want to do this (repeal the decree), there is a legal way,” Putin said, implying that the speaker of Ukraine’s parliament could cancel the order.

"If there is a desire, any legal issue can be closed. But for now, we simply do not see such a desire," he added.

Putin said a potential deal between Russia and Ukraine will have to guarantee the security of both countries.

The Russian president said he proposed the withdrawal of Ukraine from the eastern Donetsk and Luhansk regions during negotiations that began soon after the start of the conflict on Feb. 24, 2022, but Kyiv chose to fight.

He also talked about peace talks held in Istanbul during the first months of the war, saying Russia withdrew from Kyiv within the framework of negotiations to avoid “serious bloodshed.”

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