Rains, floods in Kenya claim 66 more lives, pushing death toll to 169

Rains, floods in Kenya claim 66 more lives, pushing death toll to 169

Triggered by heavy rainfall since March 1, floods displaced thousands of people, destroyed infrastructure, disrupted essential services

By Andrew Wasike

NAIROBI, Kenya (AA) – Rains and floods in Kenya have claimed 66 more lives in the past 24 hours, pushing the death toll to 169 since March 1, with 91 people still missing, officials said on Tuesday.

Addressing a press conference, Kenya's government spokesperson Isaac Mwaura said the deaths on Tuesday from a mudslide that swept away villages killing 45 has pushed the death toll to a staggering 169.

"In the past 24 four hours, we have lost 66 people across the country and that includes 60 adults and six children," he added.

"The floods have also led to the displacement of Kenyans in 30,214 households, comprising about 190,942 people," Mwaura noted, adding that the Kenyan capital is the worst hit by the displacement.

In response to the escalating situation, the Kenyan government has announced that it will shoulder all hospital bills for those affected by the floods, particularly those affected by mudslides on Tuesday, easing the financial burden on families grappling with losses and displacement.

The floods, triggered by heavy rainfall and overflowing rivers, have inundated homes, destroyed infrastructure, and disrupted essential services.

The Kenyan government, in collaboration with humanitarian organizations and local authorities, has mobilized resources to provide emergency assistance to those affected by the floods.

Kenyan President William Ruto convened a special Cabinet meeting on Tuesday to combat the deadly floods that have claimed the lives of nearly 170 people.

In a statement on Tuesday, Moussa Faki Mahamat, chairperson of the African Union Commission, expressed his heartfelt condolences and solidarity with the affected families, and the people of Kenya in the wake of the catastrophic floods wreaking havoc across the country.

Over 40 people were killed on Monday after a dam burst in Nakuru County in Kenya. The accident happened in Mai Mahiu, Nakuru County, located approximately 60 kilometers (37 miles) northwest of the capital Nairobi.

Rains, floods in Kenya claim 66 more lives, pushing death toll to 169

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