Renowned pianist Maria Joao Pires to play at Istanbul Music Festival

Renowned pianist Maria Joao Pires to play at Istanbul Music Festival

Pires to take stage at Lutfi Kirdar Congress and Exhibition Center in central Harbiye neighborhood on May 31

By Omer Faruk Yildiz

ISTANBUL (AA) - The 52nd Istanbul Music Festival, organized by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (IKSV) under the sponsorship of Borusan Holding, will host world-famous pianist Maria Joao Pires.

IKSV said Pires will take the stage at the Lutfi Kirdar Congress and Exhibition Center in the central Harbiye neighborhood on May 31 at 8 pm.

The concert will take place under the show sponsorship of Turkish lender Isbank.

The Portuguse artist, who will be a guest at the festival after eight years, will be accompanied by the Festival Strings Lucerne in Beethoven's piano concerto.

Georgian-French pianist Khatia Buniatishvili will also take the stage within the scope of the festival on June 1 while the Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra and the Hungarian National Choir will dazzle Istanbulites on June 2.

The Budapest Festival Orchestra and Francesco Piemontesi will also be guests on June 3.

The festival will end June 12.

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