Russia counts 1,175 new coronavirus cases

Russia counts 1,175 new coronavirus cases

Number of coronavirus cases steadily growing, death toll rises to 63

By Elena Teslova

MOSCOW (AA) – Russia registered another 1,175 cases of new coronavirus over the last 24 hours for a total of 8,672 infections, an official data revealed on Wednesday.

Five more people died from the deadly infection since Tuesday, bringing the death toll to 63, the government’s emergency team said in a statement.

The cases were registered in 81 of 85 Russian regions, it said.

Daily recovery count is at 86, while a total of 580 patients have recovered so far.

Since emerging in Wuhan, China last December, the coronavirus has spread to at least 184 countries and regions around the globe, with the number of confirmed cases now topping 1.43 million.

The number of people worldwide who have recovered from the novel coronavirus crossed 301,000 early Wednesday, according to figures compiled by the U.S.’ Johns Hopkins University.

The number of deaths worldwide stands at over 82,000.

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