Russia hopes European citizens to 'wake up' from 'war party'

Russia hopes European citizens to 'wake up' from 'war party'

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova says results of EU Parliament elections show people do not want to see in power those political forces that led to escalation of tensions in Europe

By Elena Teslova

MOSCOW (AA) – The election results of the EU Parliament show that the majority of people rejected their respective countries' rulers for their policies, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Thursday, urging European citizens to wake up and realize where their governments' policies have brought them.

Commenting on the results of Sunday's European election, which resulted in the victory of forces opposing the current course of EU authorities, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said: "In some countries, the results speak for themselves, as people do not want to see in power those political forces of several EU countries that led to the escalation of tensions in Europe."

At the same time, she said the leadership of European institutions and Western organizations remains unchanged, describing them as "zealous, absolutely reckless figures representing the global war party."

"I believe that this process of awareness by EU residents about the realities will not be easy, but it has already begun. I would like to wish them to take off these blinders and wake up from this dope as soon as possible," she said.

The results of the European Parliament elections dominated global media coverage on Monday, with commentators and analysts highlighting the significant defeat of centrist and leftist parties and the notable gains of far-right factions in key EU countries.

Despite these shifts, they emphasized that the overall balance of power in the European Parliament remains unchanged, indicating no immediate shift in the bloc's policies is expected.

Nonetheless, the election outcomes are seen as a crucial signal for European governments that should not be overlooked.

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