Russia says 3 killed, 35 injured in Ukraine's attack on Luhansk

Russia says 3 killed, 35 injured in Ukraine's attack on Luhansk

Ukrainian troops struck city with US-made ATACMS missiles, according to Defense Ministry

By Elena Teslova

MOSCOW (AA) - Russia on Friday said three civilians were killed and 35 others injured in a Ukrainian attack on the city of Luhansk.

The Defense Ministry said Ukrainian troops fired five US-made ATACMS missiles in a residential area. Four of them were shot down by air defense systems, while one partially destroyed two residential buildings.

The ministry said two schools, three kindergartens, the Luhansk College of Information Technology and Entrepreneurship, as well as one of the buildings of Dalivsky University, were also affected by the attack.

The Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) is a surface-to-surface missile system developed by the US, which are capable of delivering various types of warheads and can engage targets at distances up to 300 kilometers, providing deep strike capability for battlefield commanders.

Luhansk in eastern Ukraine is known for its industrial heritage and currently a focal point of the conflict that started in February 2022.

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