Russia says it prevented pair of US strategic bombers from crossing border

Russia says it prevented pair of US strategic bombers from crossing border

Defense Ministry says it dispatched fighter jets following detection of air targets over Barents Sea

By Burc Eruygur

ISTANBUL (AA) — Russia said on Sunday that it prevented a pair of US strategic bombers from crossing its border.

A statement by the Russian Defense Ministry said the country's "means of airspace control" detected a group of air targets over the Barents Sea as they were approaching the border.

The statement said Russian fighter jets were dispatched to identify the targets, which it said identified them as a pair of B-52H strategic bombers belonging to the US Air Force.

It went on to say that the strategic bombers adjusted their flight course after the Russian fighter jets approached them, adding that no violations of the Russian border took place.

"The flight of the Russian fighters was carried out in strict accordance with international rules for the use of airspace over neutral waters and in compliance with safety measures," it also said.

US authorities have not yet commented on Russia's statement.

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