Russia’s new car sales surged 48% in 2024

Russia’s new car sales surged 48% in 2024

Total of 1.5M new cars sold in Russia last year, domestic brand Lada taking highest share, followed by Chinese brands, according to Russian analytical agency Autostat

By Emre Gurkan Abay

MOSCOW (AA) - New car sales in Russia rose 48% on an annual basis to 1.5 million in 2024, according to Russian analytical agency Autostat.

The agency said new car sales in December 2024 climbed 3.3% year-on-year to 123,000.

Russian car brand Lada made up 28% of the new car sales in the country, while Chinese firms Haval, Chery, Changan, Geely, Omoda, Exeed, and Jetour also significantly contributed to the rise in sales.

Western carmakers were market leaders in Russia until February 2022, as they withdrew from the country with the start of the war in Ukraine.

Car sales reached a standstill in Russia, while Chinese carmaker exports to Russia and domestic production increased, putting the Russian car market into recovery.

*Writing by Emir Yildirim in Istanbul

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