26 Australian lawmakers urge gov't to back ICC in probe against Israeli officials

Legislators urge Canberra to denounce attempts to pressure office of prosecutor into withdrawing application for arrest warrants

By Yasin Gungor

ISTANBUL (AA) - Australian lawmakers on Wednesday urged the government to support the International Criminal Court (ICC) in its investigation against Israeli officials over devastating attacks on Gaza.

In a letter to Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, 26 legislators emphasized the importance of upholding the ICC's integrity and autonomy.

The lawmakers condemned attempts to undermine the ICC’s independence, including recent calls on Australia to withdraw from the Rome Statute, which established the court. They stressed the ICC's role in eradicating impunity for grave offenses and called for decisive action to support the court's efforts.

“It is imperative that the Australian Government takes decisive action to both publicly support the ICC's work, as well as strongly denounce any attempts to pressure the Office of the Prosecutor into withdrawing its application for arrest warrants," the letter stated.

Separately, the Australian Greens party questioned if the F-35 fighter jets that Australia exported were used in Gaza bombings.

The government officials, in response, said the F-35s are in Israel's defense inventory and they are not in a position to confirm their usage.

Earlier, another lawmaker called for ending arms deals with Israel and imposing sanctions on Israeli officials and the Israeli Defense Force (IDF), accusing the Australian government of complicity in the genocide of Palestinians.

Australian public servants have also condemned their government for its “complicity” in the genocide of Palestinians, demanding Canberra “immediately cease” all military exports to Israel.

Israel has continued its brutal offensive on Gaza since an Oct. 7 Hamas attack despite a UN Security Council resolution demanding an immediate cease-fire.

More than 36,500 Palestinians have since been killed in Gaza, the vast majority being women and children, and nearly 83,000 others injured, according to local health authorities.

Nearly eight months into the Israeli war, vast swathes of Gaza lay in ruins amid a crippling blockade of food, clean water, and medicine.

Israel stands accused of genocide at the International Court of Justice, which in its latest ruling has ordered Tel Aviv to immediately halt its operation in the southern city of Rafah, where over a million Palestinians had sought refuge from the war before it was invaded on May 6.

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