4th Istanbul Digital Art Festival concludes

This year's festival exhibited works of 55 artists accompanied by 4 curators

By Omer Faruk Yildiz

ISTANBUL (AA) - The 4th Istanbul Digital Art Festival (IDAF) concluded Sunday at the Ataturk Cultural Center (AKM).

"It was a unique feeling to host digital artists from all over the world. Visitors had a lot of fun over the past four days. Seeing everyone smiling and enjoying excited us a lot," festival director Nabat Garakhanova told Anadolu.

"Our last day was for the children. What makes us unique in the world is the work we do for children. We hosted nearly 2,000 children along with their families," Garakhanova said.

The IDAF kicked off Thursday, bringing together art enthusiasts.

This year's festival, which was held with the theme "Search Reality," exhibited the works of 55 artists accompanied by four curators.

As Türkiye's first and only international digital art festival, it hosted children and youth workshops, panels and audiovisual performances.

*Writing by Zehra Nur Duz

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