5 killed in renewed clashes in Lebanon Palestinian camp

Ein el-Hilweh is largest Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon

By Naim Burjawi

BEIRUT, Lebanon (AA) – Five people were killed in renewed clashes between rival Palestinian groups in the Ein el-Hilweh refugee camp in southern Lebanon on Sunday, according to Lebanese media.

Fifty-two other people were also injured in the violence that erupted between Fatah movement and armed groups in the camp, the National News Agency reported.

Sounds of heavy weapons and shells were heard across the camp.

The Lebanese army, for its part, said five soldiers were also injured when shells struck a military site near the camp.

Established in 1948, Ein el-Hilweh is the largest Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon with 50,000 registered people, according to figures released by the UN, while unofficial statistics put the camp’s population at 70,000 people.

The total number of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon is estimated to be around 200,000, distributed among 12 camps, most of which are under the control of the Palestinian factions.

*Writing by Ahmed Asmar

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