Anadolu CEO Serdar Karagoz visits booths at TEKNOFEST

Karagoz, Selcuk Bayraktar, chairman of event organizer, visit booths at premier technology event

Anadolu CEO Serdar Karagoz visits booths at TEKNOFEST

By Gokhan Ergocun

ADANA, Türkiye (AA) - President and CEO of Anadolu Serdar Karagoz, and Selcuk Bayraktar, chairman of festival organizer the Turkish Technology Team (T3) Foundation, on Friday visited booths in Türkiye's premier technology event TEKNOFEST.

Bayraktar and Karagoz took souvenir photos with students and visitors during the festival, which is being held in the southern Adana province.

During his visit, Karagoz met with Necdet Unuvar, rector of Türkiye's Ankara University.

Karagoz then went to the Anadolu booth at TEKNOFEST and met with the news agency’s staff.

Having started on Wednesday, TEKNOFEST hosts seminars, workshops, competitions, airshows, and booths to exhibit cutting-edge tech and defense products at Sakirpasa Airport in Adana.

Anadolu has been the global communication partner of the event since its first edition in 2018.

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