Australia, New Zealand provide aid to landslide-hit Papua New Guinea

More than 2,000 people buried alive after landslides hit Enga Province last Friday

By Yasin Gungor

ISTANBUL (AA) - Australia and New Zealand announced humanitarian assistance to Papua New Guinea following devastating landslides in Enga Province, which has buried alive more than 2,000 people.

Australian Defence Minister Richard Marles announced an initial $2.5 million in aid, highlighting the strong bond between the two nations.

“As a close neighbor and friend, we will be doing all we can to provide support,” Marles said.

The country has sent two aircraft with emergency supplies in response to the disaster. Additionally, a team of disaster response experts and 750 family shelters are en route to the affected area, according to authorities.

New Zealand Foreign Minister Winston Peters and Defence Minister Judith Collins also announced an aid package worth approximately $1.5 million.

“Ever since learning of the horrendous landslide on Friday, New Zealand has been determined to play our part in assisting Papua New Guinea’s response,” Peters stated.

The aid includes deploying an aircraft to deliver relief supplies, technical expertise in geo-hazards and emergency management, and financial assistance for humanitarian relief.

​​​​​​​India also announced an aid shipment of $1 million in relief and rehabilitation.

More than 2,000 people were buried under landslides in Papua New Guinea after landslides last Friday. The island nation has made an international call for help.

The tragedy struck the Pacific Island nation at a time when Prime Minister James Marape is facing turbulent time in government with his coalition allies jumping to opposition's side.

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