Brazil summons US envoy over deportations

US Charge d’Affaires Gabriel Escobar summoned to ministry to clarify situation with treatment of Brazilians deported from US, say reports

Brazil summons US envoy over deportations

By Diyar Guldogan

WASHINGTON (AA) - Brazil's Foreign Ministry summoned a US envoy Monday to discuss the deportation of Brazilian migrants, according to media reports.

US Charge d’Affaires Gabriel Escobar was summoned to clarify the situation with the treatment of Brazilians deported from the US, the reports said, citing anonymous sources.

Brazil expressed outrage Saturday after dozens of migrants deported from the US arrived by plane in handcuffs, calling it a "flagrant disregard" for their rights.

The plane was reportedly carrying 88 Brazilian passengers, 16 US security guards and a crew of eight people.

On Sunday, US President Donald Trump briefly engaged in his first international tariff dispute with Colombian President Gustavo Petro.

Tensions calmed down after Petro agreed to accept military aircraft transporting deported migrants from the US.

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