Burglars steal farm vehicles from Windsor Castle

Incident raises concerns about security measures at estate, which houses parts of royal family’s sprawling property portfolio

Burglars steal farm vehicles from Windsor Castle

By Aysu Bicer

LONDON (AA) - Burglars targeted the Windsor Castle estate last month, making off with farm vehicles in a nighttime heist.

The incident occurred on Oct. 13 when two men scaled a six-foot fence and used a stolen truck to breach a security gate, according to the Sun newspaper on Sunday.

The thieves reportedly stole a black Isuzu pick-up and a red quad bike, both stored in a barn on Crown Estate land.

Authorities said the suspects fled the scene in the direction of Old Windsor and Datchet.

Thames Valley Police confirmed the burglary in a statement, saying: "Offenders entered a farm building and made off with a black Isuzu pick-up and a red quad bike. They then made off towards the Old Windsor/Datchet area."

The king was not in residence at the time of the burglary.

Police have not yet made any arrests and investigations are ongoing.

The incident has raised concerns about security measures at the estate, which houses parts of the royal family’s sprawling property portfolio.

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