By Berk Kutay Gokmen
ISTANBUL (AA) - China’s Foreign Ministry said Friday that Beijing “opposes” a resolution submitted by two US senators that “smears” the Hong Kong administration.
The development came as two members from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee proposed a resolution that criticized the Hong Kong administration on its National Security Law.
China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian said, in response, that Beijing “firmly opposes the attacks and smears by some members of the US Senate on the legislation of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.”
Lin said it is a “denigration of human rights and the rule of law in Hong Kong, and the gross interference in Hong Kong affairs.”
He noted that the law and the Hong Kong National Security Ordinance uphold “national security in accordance with the law” and that they “have effectively safeguarded the rights and freedoms” of the people of Hong Kong.
He said that the US “smeared Hong Kong National Security Law and Hong Kong National Security Ordinance, which is naked political manipulation and hypocritical double standards.”
Lin added that Beijing urges US senators to “respect China's sovereignty,” and “stop meddling in Hong Kong affairs and China's internal affairs.”