COVID-19: Kenya bans ‘uncoordinated’ food distributions

2 new virus cases, including 2-year-old, recoded in Kenya.

COVID-19: Kenya bans ‘uncoordinated’ food distributions

By Andrew Wasike

NAIROBI, Kenya (AA) - Kenya banned unplanned food distribution Saturday following chaos and a stampede that killed two people at an event to help impoverished Kenyans deal with COVID-19.

The stampede Friday in Kibera slums occurred after well-wishers were handing out oil, soap, sanitizers and food, among other items.

Interior Minister Fred Matiang'i said the government has taken note of initiatives by individuals and groups to mobilize financial resources, food and non-food items to vulnerable communities during the pandemic but “has with immediate effect banned the uncoordinated distribution of food and non-food donations within the Republic of Kenya.”

He said any donors and well-wishers who would like to contribute to the coronavirus response in Kenya are asked to channel or coordinate contributions through the Kenya Covid-19 Emergency Response Fund.

Kenya thanked all who have come to the aid of vulnerable Kenyans during the pandemic.

Kenya announced two new COVID-19 cases Saturday, including a 2-year-old, bringing the national tally to 191.

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