Cryptocurrency Ripple tops $3 level, up 9.2% on daily basis

Market cap of Ripple stands at $178.6B

Cryptocurrency Ripple tops $3 level, up 9.2% on daily basis

By Gokhan Ergocun

ISTANBUL (AA) - Cryptocurrency Ripple (XRP) on Thursday exceeded the $3 level for the first time in seven years, rising 9.2% on a daily basis to $3.1.

Since seeing the $3.8 level back in 2018, the cryptocurrency dropped below the $1 level until now.

The currency's market cap reached $178.6 billion as of 0740GMT while the 24-hour transaction volume was at $22.9 billion.

The ratio of the 24-hour transaction volume to the overall market cap was 12.8%.

The price of rival Bitcoin is stable on Thursday; it saw over the $100,000 level in January and now is around $99,700.

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