Extreme heat claims 125 lives in Mexico

High temperatures threaten public health in Mexico

By Jorge Antonio Rocha

MEXICO CITY (AA) - The high temperatures affecting Mexico have resulted in the death of 125 people nationwide so far this year, according to the Health Ministry on Friday.

Mexico is currently experiencing scorching temperatures as the latest heat wave subsides and the fourth heat wave arrives. The extreme conditions have also resulted in 2,308 cases of heat stroke as of Friday.

According to the latest report from the Ministry of Health, between June 6 and June 12, health authorities registered 35 deaths and 371 medical cases related to temperatures surpassing 113°F (45°C) in some states.

The report states that ten deaths are "attributed to the second heat wave" and 19 more to the third wave, which lasted from May until the first week of June.

Most of the deaths in the country have been concentrated in the eastern regions of Mexico, with Veracruz, a coastal state facing the Gulf of Mexico in the southeast, reporting 43 deaths out of the total.

Tabasco, also in the southeast, has reported 18 deaths, making it the second most affected state, followed by Tamaulipas, on the northeast coast and bordering the US, with 15 reported deaths.

According to a report from the National Water Commission, another heat wave is expected after the fourth one ends. Experts warn that states in the northwestern part of the country could see temperatures exceed 113°F (45°C).

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