Fenerbahce sign Diego Rossi on loan

23-year-old winger leaves Los Angeles FC to join Fenerbahce for this season; Turkish club also has buying option

Fenerbahce sign Diego Rossi on loan

By Can Erozden

ANKARA (AA) - Turkish football club Fenerbahce signed Diego Rossi on a temporary basis Wednesday.

In a statement, Fenerbahce said it loaned the 23-year-old Uruguayan left winger from Los Angeles FC for a year, adding the Turkish club also had a buying option on him.

Playing on both flanks and center, Rossi was at Major League Soccer (MLS) club Los Angeles FC from 2018-2021.

He won the 2019 Supporters Shield.

Rossi scored 59 goals and produced 22 assists in 121 appearances for Los Angeles FC.

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