Flood warnings issued in 6 French provinces due to heavy rains -

Orange level alarm issued after weekly rainfall was seen in a day under influence of storm Aitor, say local authorities

Flood warnings issued in 6 French provinces due to heavy rains -

By Merve Berker

Flood warnings were issued in six provinces in central and eastern France due to heavy rains, meteorological authorities said on Thursday.

Meteo France, the national meteorology agency, said that an alarm was issued after weekly rainfall was seen in a day in some provinces of the country under the influence of the storm Aitor.

Heavy rainfall and flood warnings were issued for the provinces of Ain, Correze, Isere, Jura, Savoie, and Haute-Savoie in central and eastern France, while the alert level was raised to orange.

The meteorological agency further warned against winds exceeding 100 kilometers (over 62 miles) per hour while reporting that precipitation may also be seen in the neighboring regions.

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