France calls for EU revisions to Mercosur trade deal with South American states amid farmer protests

'We are asking European Commission to review its copy. And we are making progress,' says foreign minister

France calls for EU revisions to Mercosur trade deal with South American states amid farmer protests

By Necva Tastan Sevinc

ISTANBUL (AA) - France on Wednesday called on the European Commission to revise its proposed trade agreement with the Mercosur bloc, citing concerns over environmental standards and fairness for European farmers.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Noel Barrot's remarks came as nationwide protests by agricultural workers intensified against the deal, which many see as a threat to their livelihoods.

"We are asking the European Commission to review its copy. And we are making progress," Barrot asserted, pointing to support from Italy and Poland, whose ministers have voiced similar concerns.

Speaking on Europe 1-CNews, Barrot emphasized the government’s stance on the controversial agreement, which would strengthen trade ties between the EU and South American nations.

"We need trade agreements with South American countries to support our farmers, industries, and businesses in exporting there. But we do not want this agreement because it is unfair," he said.

"It is out of the question that we make our farmers—who already face numerous challenges—a mere adjustment variable," he added.

Barrot also highlighted an upcoming agricultural policy bill slated for early next year aimed at addressing structural issues in the sector.

He encouraged farmers to channel their energy into constructive advocacy rather than disruptive protests.

"There is unanimous support among the French for opposing the Mercosur agreement, and I urge them not to paralyze the country," he concluded.

Meanwhile, French Agriculture Minister Marc Fesneau condemned acts of vandalism and border blockades, warning that such actions risk alienating public support for farmers.

The protests, organized by French agricultural unions, have included road blockades and other disruptions aimed at highlighting poor working conditions and opposition to what many perceive as "unfair competition" under the Mercosur deal.

The protests are expected to continue, with the FNSEA, a leading agricultural union, announcing further mobilizations next week.

The EU-Mercosur negotiations on a free trade agreement started in 2000 and went through on and off phases.

The parties agreed on a comprehensive agreement covering issues such as tariffs, rules of origin, technical barriers to trade, and intellectual property, among others.

The EU and Mercosur were planning to reduce high tariffs on agricultural products, and Mercosur countries would easily sell products such as meat, chicken, and sugar to the EU.

The agreement, however, was never signed nor ratified, and never entered into force.

French farmers argue that the EU-Mercosur agreement is part of a broader trend threatening rural livelihoods in France.

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