Head of Wagner group claims Ukraine's Bakhmut almost encircled

Prigozhin asks Zelenskyy to allow children and elderly to leave city

Head of Wagner group claims Ukraine's Bakhmut almost encircled

By Elena Teslova

MOSCOW (AA) - Evgeny Prigozhin, head of the Wagner paramilitary group involved in Russia's "special military operation," claimed on Friday that his fighters have almost encircled Ukraine's city of Bakhmut.

In a video on Telegram, Prigozhin said only one road remained under the control of Ukrainian forces.

Prigozhin also addressed Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, asking him to allow children and elderly leave the city.

"I appeal to the President of Ukraine. ... If earlier the professional Ukrainian army fought with us, today we see more and more old people and children. They are fighting, but their life in Bakhmut is short -- a day, two. Give them the opportunity to leave the city," Prigozhin said.

Bakhmut is a large transport hub through which the Ukrainian troops in the Donbas are supplied with weapons, military equipment, and ammunition.

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