Heavy snowfall leads to travel disruptions across South Korea

Heavy traffic jams, train delays, flight cancellations reported as millions of people travel for Korean Lunar New Year holiday

Heavy snowfall leads to travel disruptions across South Korea

By Berk Kutay Gokmen

ISTANBUL (AA) - Heavy snowfall and bad weather conditions led to widespread travel disruptions across South Korea Tuesday, as millions of people travel for the Korean Lunar New Year holiday.

Travel disruptions that began over the weekend worsened on Tuesday, with heavy traffic jams, train delays, and flight cancellations reported across the country, according to the daily Korea Herald.

Road traffic during the holiday season is severely disrupted across the country, with major motorways congested and journey times between major cities increasing.

Rail services were also badly affected, with trains being forced to run slower than usual due to safety concerns in snowy areas, causing delays.

Air travel was also affected, with at least 119 flights canceled nationwide and at least 66 international and four domestic flights grounded, according to Korea Airports Corporation.

To address the travel disruptions, the South Korean Land, Infrastructure and Transport Ministry introduced special measures for the holiday period from Jan. 24 to Feb. 2.

The ministry expects a total of 34.84 million people to travel during the holiday season.

A five-point plan is in place to manage the holiday rush which includes boosting transport capacity, enhancing road safety, and improving readiness for bad weather, officials said.

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