International final of World Robot Olympiad to be held in western Türkiye

Nearly 3,000 guests to attend final in Izmir province

By Halil Fidan

IZMIR, Türkiye (AA) - The international final of the World Robot Olympiad will be held in Türkiye’s western province of Izmir from Nov. 28 - 30.

Izmir Mayor Cemil Tugay said at a publicity meeting that the city was proud to hold the final of the “important organization” in Izmir as a result of efforts since 2016.

"Participants will come from different parts of the world,” said Tugay. “It is very special and valuable for us. We are very excited. We think it opens a very important door for our country,”

He added that the city will host nearly 3,000 guests.

The World Robot Olympiad Association is an independent non-profit organization.

The aim is to help young people develop their creativity and problem-solving skills in a fun and engaging way by organizing robotics competitions in four different categories for students ranging in age from 8 - 19.​​​​​​​

*Writing by Gozde Bayar

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