Knowledge Academy Alumni receives Cummings Scholarship

Nihal Bozkurt who graduated from Knowledge Academy Middleton, MA in 2014, is one of the youngest alumni’s receives Cummings Scholarship through North Shore Community College.

Knowledge Academy Alumni receives Cummings Scholarship

By Serdar Gezgin

Nihal Bozkurt who graduated from Knowledge Academy Middleton, MA in 2014, is one of the youngest alumni’s receives Cummings Scholarship through North Shore Community College.


While she was in Knowledge Academy High School, Nihal was enrolled into the dual enrollment program and she started taking classes at the North Shore Community College in Danvers, MA. Through great perseverance and determination, Nihal will be finishing her Psychology major this year and she will be transferring to SNHU in the fall of 2016. 

Nihal Bozkurt was one of seven students at the NSCC awards ceremony this morning.  Out of hundreds of  applicants Nihal was chosen and awarded a $500 scholarship for her outstanding service learning performance.


Knowledge Academy is located in Middleton, MA between two major highways (495 & 95) and the school accepts students from Pre-K 3 to  High School.


Knowledge Academy is proud to have partnered with North Shore Community College’s Dual Enrollment Program. It’s a fantastic opportunity for high school students to be earning college level credits and graduate with move on to complete a bachelor’s degree.  


For more information youcan contact KA at 978-407-0747 or email OR check out on FB at Knowledge Academy Islamic School. 

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