Mexico's consumer inflation picks up pace in April

Inflation, however, slows down on monthly basis

By Ovunc Kutlu

ISTANBUL (AA) - Mexico's consumer inflation picked up pace annually in April, according to figures released Thursday.

Annual consumer inflation came in at 4.65% last month, slightly rising from March's gain of 4.42%, said the national statistics agency INEGI.

The figure came in slightly higher than market expectations of 4.63%.

On a monthly basis, however, the consumer price index increased only 0.2% in April, slowing down from a gain of 0.29% in March.

That figure also came slightly higher than market estimates of a monthly gain of 0.19%.

Monthly, prices of agricultural products rose 2.32%, but energy and tariffs authorized by the government fell 1.64%, INEGI said in a statement.

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