Microsoft warns of interference by Russia, Iran, China in US election

Iranian cyber actors target Trump, while Russians focus on Harris, Walz, and Chinese aim at down-ballot candidates, says US tech giant official

Microsoft warns of interference by Russia, Iran, China in US election

By Dilara Zengin Okay

WASHINGTON (AA) – US tech giant Microsoft on Wednesday warned of the influence efforts of Russia, Iran, and China on the upcoming US presidential elections on Nov. 5.

Clint Watts, general manager at Microsoft Threat Analysis Center, said in a blog post that the US government has taken actions to reveal these cyber and influence activity from foreign adversaries, the most recent of which is from Iran.

Watts stated that Iranian cyber actors were found sending “stolen, non-public material” from the Trump campaign to media organizations and people involved with the Biden campaign before he stepped down from the race.

Watts said Russian actors targeted the Democratic Party’s Harris-Walz campaign, using generative artificial intelligence (AI) to create deepfake videos about Vice President Kamala Harris, depicting her making derogatory comments regarding her opponent, Donald Trump, as well as another video about Harris’ running mate, Tim Walz, which gained over 5 million views.

Watts noted that Chinese influence operations focused on down-ballot candidates and Congress members.

“Foreign actors have proven nimble and capable of inserting deceptive content and distributing it rapidly during these moments,” he said.

“We expect Russia, Iran, and China to continue their efforts, including using AI, and may employ tactics that seek to cast doubt about the integrity of the election’s outcome,” he added, advising 48-hour vigilance before and after the elections.

*Writing by Emir Yildirim in Istanbul

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