Mount Semeru erupts in southern Indonesia

Volcanic ash reaches 1km high over Lumajang Regency, East Java, officials say

Mount Semeru erupts in southern Indonesia

By Berk Kutay Gokmen

ISTANBUL (AA) - Indonesia's Mount Semeru erupted on Tuesday morning, sending smoke and ash into the sky about 1 km (0.62 miles) above the crater over Lumajang Regency, East Java, local officials said.

Mount Semeru is an active volcano in East Java, which is located on the island of Java in the south of Indonesia.

According to the Volcanological Survey of Indonesia, the volcano erupted at 6:21 a.m. Tuesday local time (2321 GMT Monday). The volcanic ash rose to an altitude of 4,776 meters (2.96 miles) above sea level.

“Residents should stay vigilant for hot pyroclastic flows and lahars, especially as rainfall increases at the summit,” Jakarta Globe reported, quoting an official.

Mount Semeru's alert level is currently at level II, with the authorities warning residents to be careful and stay away from the volcano.

While no evacuation announcements have been made, as a safety measure, the locals are banned from entering an 8 km (5 miles) radius around the summit.

Standing at 3,676 meters (12,060 feet) above sea level, Semeru is one of Indonesia's most active volcanoes, with a history of eruptions, some of which have caused fatalities.

Indonesia, situated on the Pacific Ring of Fire, experiences the highest level of seismic activity and volcanic eruptions globally, with over 120 active volcanoes.

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