Pakistan's youngest climber scales Mount Everest

Shehroze Kashif 19 is only sixth Pakistani to climb world's tallest mountain

Pakistan's youngest climber scales Mount Everest

By Aamir Latif

KARACHI, Pakistan (AA) - ​​​​​​​Shehroze Kashif, 19, scaled Mount Everest on Tuesday, becoming the youngest ever Pakistani to climb the world's tallest peak.

According to the Alpine Club of Pakistan, the country's state-run mountaineering organization, Kashif "successfully" climbed the 8,849 meters high peak on Tuesday morning.

Karrar Haidri, the Secretary-General of Alpine Club, told Anadolu Agency that the young climber, who was part of a 35-member expedition, has started to descend together with his teammates.

Hailing from northeastern Lahore city, Kashif is only the sixth Pakistani scale the Mount Everest. Among them, Samina Baig is the only woman climber to achieve this milestone in 2013.

Son of a local businessman, Kashif started climbing at the age of just 11, gradually scaling several peaks ranging from 3000 meters to 8000 meters before ascending Mount Everest.

He scaled 3,885 meters high Makra Peak, situated in Pakistan's northwestern Mansehra district at the age of 11 in 2013.

His expedition to 8,047 meters high Broad Peak, located in Pakistan's northern Gilgit-Baltistan region, earned him the title "The Broad Boy" in 2019.

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