Promotional video explains 'innovative diplomacy' of Antalya Diplomacy Forum

This year's event set to be held under theme of 'Innovative Diplomacy: New Era, New Approaches' on June 18-20

Promotional video explains 'innovative diplomacy' of Antalya Diplomacy Forum

By Nazli Yuzbasıoglu

ANKARA (AA) – With just a few days left for the Antalya Diplomacy Forum, a promotional video carried this year's message that "it is time to discuss innovative diplomacy in new era."

To be held under the auspices of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and hosted by Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, the Antalya Diplomacy Forum will gather presidents, ministers, business people, and academics from all around world in Antalya on Turkey's Mediterranean coast.

The forum, of which Anadolu Agency is the global communication partner, will be held by the Turkish Foreign Ministry under the theme of "Innovative Diplomacy: New Era, New Approaches" on June 18-20.

The introductory video, prepared in Turkish and English, explains that the crises the world is facing and opportunities it has will be discussed at the forum.

The video, which tells of the Antalya Diplomacy Forum as a dialogue platform that is given reference in its field, emphasized that more than 7 billion people live in the world and 700 million people are fighting against famine.

It also stated that 80 million people were displaced due to wars and humanitarian crises and that there were 46 active conflicts in the world.

"Rising racism, xenophobia and terrorism threaten all of humanity. Despite all these problems and global crises, the world is looking for realistic solutions. Today is the time to discuss innovative diplomacy in a new era.

"The world comes together to discuss crises and opportunities at the Antalya Diplomacy Forum. Let's think together and act together. 'Innovative Diplomacy: New Era, New Approaches' Let's meet in Antalya on 18-20 June," the video said.

- Regional, global developments to be addressed at panel discussions

The Antalya Diplomacy Forum this year is expected to host 12 heads of state and government, 47 foreign ministers, representatives of regional and international organizations, business people, opinion leaders, and academics from all around the world.

The forum, which was slated to be held face-to-face in Antalya last year, was postponed due the coronavirus pandemic.

The gathering, where the most important regional and global issues on the world's agenda will be discussed in a solution-oriented platform, will provide leaders, politicians, prominent academics, thinkers, opinion leaders, diplomats, and business people an opportunity to discuss international issues from the perspective of diplomacy.

- Pulse of diplomacy to beat in Antalya Diplomacy Forum on June 18

The forum, which will be held at the NEST Congress and Exhibition Center in Antalya, will start on Friday afternoon, with the introductory speech of the Turkish foreign minister.

Following Cavusoglu's speech, President Erdogan will give an opening speech.

The Antalya Diplomacy Forum will continue with panel discussions that will be participated by heads of state and government, and other participants.

A panel discussion titled "A Regional  Conference for  Eastern  Mediterranean" will be among many others which will address a variety of issues including global governance, transatlantic relations, fake news, migrants, women, extremism, and terrorism.

There will also be exhibitions during the three-day forum, including the "diplomacy tunnel", about events and people that are cornerstones of diplomacy in the history of Turkey and the world.

In addition to the panels, the forum will host special guests, roundtable meetings and activities including interviews.

- Daily COVID-19 tests during forum

Participants joining the forum from Turkey or abroad and press members will have to submit their negative COVID-19 test results which they would have 48 hours ago to the authorities.

They will also be required to go to the centers to be established in the hotels every day during the forum for having a coronavirus test.

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