Protesters blockade factory in Edinburgh over arms links to Israel

Protest comes as scrutiny mounts over arms trade between UK, Israel

Protesters blockade factory in Edinburgh over arms links to Israel

By Aysu Bicer

LONDON (AA) - Protesters on Wednesday blockaded the entrance to the Leonardo factory in Edinburgh, the UK, calling for an immediate severance of ties with Israel amid the ongoing conflict in Gaza and Lebanon.

Over 100 demonstrators from across Scotland blockaded the facility's entrance to condemn the company's alleged role in supplying components for F-35 fighter jets used by Israel, according to local media reports.

The demonstration drew a diverse group of campaigners, including local residents, workers, and activists. Many expressed outrage at the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza, where essential supplies such as food and medicine are scarce due to an Israeli blockade.

The protest comes as scrutiny mounts over the arms trade between the UK and Israel.

Earlier this autumn, the UK government suspended approximately 30 arms export licenses to Israel due to concerns they could be used in violations of international humanitarian law in Gaza.

However, an exemption was made for some licenses related to components for F-35 fighter jets, heightening tensions among campaigners.

Leonardo UK, a major defense contractor, has not yet responded publicly to the protesters' demands.

Israel has launched a genocidal war on the Gaza Strip following a Hamas attack last year, killing nearly 44,000 people, most of them women and children, and injuring over 104,000.

International recognition of the genocide in Gaza has grown in the second year of the deadly Israeli war, as organizations and leaders have labeled the events as a deliberate attempt to destroy a population.

Israel faces a genocide case at the International Court of Justice for its deadly war on Gaza.

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