Russia claims to have taken control of another settlement in Ukraine

Russian forces now control Dvorichne village, says Defense Ministry

Russia claims to have taken control of another settlement in Ukraine

By Elena Teslova

MOSCOW (AA) - The Russian Defense Ministry announced Tuesday that its forces have captured the settlement of Dvorichne in Ukraine's Kharkiv region.

According to the ministry's statement, the village came under Russian control during an operation conducted by the Zapad (West) group of forces.

Russian forces also carried out multiple strikes on Ukrainian military airfields and facilities used for the assembly of air and sea drones, the statement said.

Moreover, the statement claimed that Ukraine fired 15 HIMARS rockets into Russian territory over the past day and launched 64 drone attacks across various regions of Russia, with the majority of them being shot down.

Ukraine has yet to comment on these claims. Independent verification of the reports remains difficult due to the ongoing conflict.

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